Must submit by April 30
What is an Art Ticket?
An Art Ticket is a type of ticket common at Burns, art events, and Wasteland events. These tickets include a donation to the event’s grant funds as part of the ticket price.
What does the Art Ticket fund?
In short, Art Tickets fund Art Grants. Art tickets fund grants for individuals or groups who apply to bring, build, or create something that benefits the event as a whole, and is available for everyone to use, experience, and enjoy. 100% of the donation money goes back into making the event better and more awesome.
Do I have to buy an art ticket?
Nobody is required to buy an art ticket. If you don't want to, or if you can’t spare the extra cash, buy a regular ticket.
What do I get in return for my Art Ticket donation?
You get an even better event! Art Grants allow people to bring activities, installations, and infrastructure that everyone is free to interact with and enjoy. All Art Grant money has to be spent on things that make the event more fun, comfortable, and interesting. So, in that sense, you could consider it an investment in the event that pays you back in fun and entertainment.
What are some examples of things Art Grants have funded at other similar events?
Last year, Art Grants funded the Chug N Slug bar, providing some of funding needed to build the toxic waste tables and defray alcohol costs. A shrine was built as an interactive art installment.
Pancake breakfasts for the entire event. Mobile castle turrets that serve as “bus service” through the campground. “Quest Booths” where people can accept video game style missions and win games. Large interactive art installations that function also as shade and benches, which everyone is welcome to paint and decorate. Free burlesque shows in an old circus tent. Costume tents and workbenches where everyone is invited to create, repair or modify their costume for the event. Shower tents. Body painting stations where people can spray on non-toxic body paint that doubles as sunblock. Those are only a few examples from recent regional events.
Who can apply for an Art Grant?
Any group or individual attending the Atomic Falls event have the option to apply for an art grant.
Do I have to buy an Art Ticket to be eligible to apply for an Art Grant?
No, there is no requirement to buy art tickets for any reason.
Will everyone who applies for an Art Grant get a grant?
We wish we could give grants to everyone who has a great idea. Unfortunately that’s not feasible. The Board will carefully read over all proposals and vote on each one.
What can Art Grant funds be used for?
Art Grants are intended to partially defray the costs of creating or hosting something which benefits the event as a whole. Art Grant funds can be applied to anything which is needed to complete the proposed activity/installation, or to make expansions and/or improvements to the proposed activity.
How do I apply for an Art Grant?
Click on the link at the top of the page.
What criteria will be used to choose Art Grant recipients?
There are many factors to consider. We will be looking at how the proposal would benefit the event as a whole. Some of the points we will be assessing could include:
How many attendees will likely be interested and able to interact with the proposed activity or installation?
What about impact on the event venue or natural environment?
Is the idea feasible and safe?
Does the applicant have the ability, staff, and resources to make it happen?
Is there a location in the event venue that is appropriate for the proposed activity or installation?
How much money is needed?
How much is the applicant already putting into the proposal in terms of time, money, materials, and skill?
Can we see a clear connection between spending the money and how the event will be directly or indirectly improved as a result?